The New York Municipal Power Agency (NYMPA) is a joint action Agency of 35 New York State municipal members. The Agency was formed in 1996 and commenced supplying power to its members in May 1998. Though the Agency was formed in 1996, the Member Municipal Systems have, for the most part, been purchasing, paying for and distributing electricity to their customers for over 100 years.
The joint action Agency was formed pursuant to §119-o of the New York State General Municipal Law. The Law authorizes municipal entities, by resolution, to agree to jointly do those things which they are authorized to undertake on their own. The law specifically authorizes municipalities to bind themselves to each other by contract to accomplish their purposes.
As a result, not only is NYMPA financially sound with a proven track record, but the members are government entities, with rate and taxing authority. Consequently, the municipalities that joined together to form NYMPA took great care to satisfy themselves that the joint action Agency would be financially sound, that each member municipality would be secure in the Agency, and that each member would meet its financial obligations. NYMPA looks forward to meet the challenges of deregulation and the ever-changing electric industry.